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Call for submissions: SASE annual meeting and Network A: Community, Democracy, and Organizations virtual/in-person sessions (abstracts due Dec 16, 2024)

  • 1.  Call for submissions: SASE annual meeting and Network A: Community, Democracy, and Organizations virtual/in-person sessions (abstracts due Dec 16, 2024)

    Posted 10-24-2024 19:35

    Dear colleagues,


    Please consider submitting an abstract (500-750 words) for an individual presentation or a panel relating to community, democracy, and organizations, or other submission at the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) annual meeting. 


    This year, the SASE conference submission deadline is Dec. 16, 2024. Our 2025 annual meeting will primarily be an in-person conference in Montréal, Canada, July 9-12, 2025. For those unable to travel, our network-Network ACommunity, Democracy, and Organizations-also will have a very limited number of virtual presentation slots in two sessions to be scheduled for July 1-3, 2025.


    SASE is an international organization of scholars who study topics related to economic sociology and political economy. Network A focuses on the moral or values-based underpinnings of human thought, practices, and institutions, particularly as they relate to the participatory, collectivist, and democratic aspirations of organizations, markets, and other spaces of collaboration and contestation. We examine how communities, enterprises, and societies can be organized around principles of democratic governance or other substantive values that go beyond calculative self-interest and instrumental relations. In particular, we welcome submissions relating to: (1) how groups and initiatives promote social change, through formal organizations, informal groups, prefigurative organizations, decentralized projects, participatory decision-making, and various forms of shared ownership; and (2) how collectivities reinforce prevailing conventions of hierarchical, bureaucratic, and profit-driven organizational structures and markets. Examples of relevant phenomena include, but are not limited to: worker and consumer co-operatives; employee-owned enterprises; artistic or cultural collectives; community-based enterprises or land trusts; anti-oppressive human services; open, commons-based, and inclusive innovation and valuation frameworks; participatory budgeting; any social movements or organizations that are advancing more democratic or egalitarian examples of a solidarity economy or organizing.


    To learn more about our network and its history, please read here. To join our Network A listserv, visit


    How to submit to the 2025 SASE annual conference:

    • You can submit a paper, a pre-formed panel with multiple paper presentations, roundtable discussion panel, or book salon (aka Author Meets Critics panels). 


    For more information about the 2025 conference, including their Early Career Workshop (held in person shortly before the SASE annual meeting, with some travel expenses paid), visit


    Please consider supporting the growth and sustainability of the Network A community by circulating this cfp to listservs and other potentially interested parties.


    We look forward to reading your submissions!


    Please direct any questions or comments about Network A to


    Best wishes from your SASE Network A organizers,


    In-person team

    Katherine K. Chen,

    Victor Tan Chen, 

    Amanda Barrett Cox,

    Philipp Degens,

    Paola Ometto,

    Jason Spicer, 


    Virtual session team

    Joyce Rothschild, 

    Marc Schneiberg,

    Maria Paola Ometto
    California State University - San Marcos
    Edmonton AB