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Final Call for Abstracts: Movements & Markets AOM PDW

  • 1.  Final Call for Abstracts: Movements & Markets AOM PDW

    Posted 07-11-2024 08:16

    Research Roundtable Submissions Due Friday, July 12th

    Just a quick reminder that the deadline for submitting a proposal for the research roundtable portion of the 8th annual Movements and Markets AOM PDW is tomorrow, July 12th. Our session this year takes place on Saturday, August 10th from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Fairmont Hotel (Gold Room).

    This year's theme continues our focus on impact as we turn our attention to the reciprocal influences between movements, markets, and scholars. Our goal is to recognize the influence of scholarly work on social movements and broader society and to foster a more inclusive and responsible engagement with the communities we study.

    No submission is necessary for the expert panel and Q&A portion of the program or the networking session – only the research roundtables require an application. These are a great opportunity to get the feedback you need: anything from vetting an idea for a new research project to hammering out details on a finished manuscript. The roundtables are open to all levels of scholarship.

    To apply for the research roundtables, please submit an up to 3 page summary (about 1,000 words) of a new research idea or current research project to be explored with the discussants and other participants by Friday, July 12th. Please submit here – if you have any questions, you can email Jun Byun at

    Please feel free to share this invitation with any colleagues and/or doctoral students who may be interested. 

    Thanks and we hope to see you there! 

    Best wishes,
    The Organizers

    Junhyung Byun, IESE Business School
    Hannah Grubbs, University of Oregon 
    Jocelyn M. Leitzinger, University of Illinois Chicago 
    Felipe Massa, University of Vermont, Grossman School of Business

    MOVEMENTS AND MARKETS (session 11904)
    Saturday, August 10th, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
    Fairmont Hotel, Gold Room

    Speaker Panel and Q&A Session
    Brayden King, Northwestern University

    Samer Abdelnour, University of Edinburgh Business School
    David Crockett, University of Illinois Chicago
    Jennifer Howard-Grenville, Cambridge Judge Business School
    Farah Kodeih, IESEG School of Management
    Ryann Elizabeth Manning, University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management

    Research Roundtables
    Tentative table topics include:

    • Activism on Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI)
    • Social Movements & Non-Market Strategy
    • Environmental Movements and Green Initiatives/Sustainability
    • Forms of Social Movement Organizing
    • Activism and the Corporation
    • Technology & Collective Action
    • Microfoundations of Movements
    • Cultural and Artistic Movements
    • Internal Movements and Organizational Change
    • Ethical Consumption and Consumer Activism
    • Social Movements and Moral Markets

    Table discussants include the organizers, members of our speaker panel, and:

    Elisa Alt (King's College London)
    Michael Barnett (Rutgers University)
    Edward Carberry (University of Massachusetts, Boston)
    W. Chad Carlos (BYU Marriott School of Business)
    Rashedur Chowdhury (University of Essex)
    Robert J. David (McGill University)
    Panikos G. Georgallis (University of Amsterdam)
    Abhinav Gupta (University of Washington, Seattle)
    Tim Hargrave (Central Washington University)
    Shon R. Hiatt (University of Southern California)
    Brayden G. King (Northwestern University)
    Brandon H. Lee (Melbourne Business School)
    Ben William Lewis (Brigham Young University)
    Michael Lounsbury (University of Alberta)
    Johanna Mair (Hertie School of Governance)
    Jo-Ellen Pozner (Santa Clara University)
    Wesley Sine (Cornell University)
    Ion B. Vasi (University of Iowa)
    Daniel Waeger (Wilfrid Laurier University)
    Klaus Weber (Northwestern University)

    Participants are invited to submit their short papers (about 3 pages or 1000 words) through the provided link by July 12th: Submission Link. Should you have any questions about the proposal submission process, please reach out to Jun Byun at

    Jocelyn Leitzinger
    Assistant Professor
    University of Illinois at Chicago