Domain Statement

Public and Nonprofit Division Domain Statement

The primary purpose of the Division is to encourage analysis and research of management and policy issues in public, quasi-public, and nonprofit organizations; to disseminate information and research findings to instructors, students, consultants, and managers. The emphasis will include, but not be limited to, identifying behavioral, structural, environmental, technological, and policy differences that make public, quasi-public, and nonprofit sector organizations unique management entities. In this regard, the Division supports comparative research of theory and practice with regard to similarities and differences between public sector and private sector organizations. Membership activities will focus on encouraging public administrators, faculty from schools of business and public administration, and public sector consultants to conduct joint research and discussion forums for meaningful exchanges of information regarding the theory and practice of management. The Division is a community of scholars and practitioners who are committed to improving research and practice in public and nonprofit management.

How to Join?

Academy of Management members can join two divisions/interest groups, or pay a small fee to join more than two. Add PNP as a Division when you join or renew. For any membership inquiries contact the Membership Department.

Once you have joined the PNP Division, there are lots of ways you can get involved:

  • Attend the annual meeting to present your work as a discussion paper, full paper, or part of a symposium
  • Organize and submit proposals for Professional Development Workshops that would have cross-divisional appeal
  • Sign up as a reviewer for the main program submissions
  • Attend the Doctoral & New Faculty Consortium
  • Submit a summary of your thesis to the Doctoral Dissertation Competition
  • Sponsor a prize
  • Above all, attend our social events and get to know new colleagues and friends