We are accepting the submission of a doctoral dissertation for the ARNOVA Gabriel Rudney Memorial Award for an Outstanding Dissertation in Nonprofit & Voluntary Action Research.
The Outstanding Dissertation is awarded annually for a Ph.D. dissertation completed and/or defended in the three years prior to the award (2020, 2021, and 2022). Dissertations that contribute to the advancement of theory, conceptualization, research, or practice closely related to nonprofit organizations or voluntary action are eligible.
Nominations are especially invited in the areas where Gabe Rudney made significant research contributions during his lifetime: patterns of giving, tax policy and charitable giving and the nonprofit sector, economic contributions of the sector, or comparative international studies.
Submission Requirements
- Letter from Advisor explaining the nature of the work and how well it meets criteria for excellence in its field.
- An Extended Abstract, approximately five (5) pages. Nominees should be prepared to send a copy of the full dissertation upon request.
- All proposals must be submitted electronically in a single PDF formatted file to assure their integrity. Word documents will not be considered.
Additional notes
- Applicants need to be active members of The Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) prior to the notification date. Please find the information about ARNOVA on its website (https://www.arnova.org/).
- The award prize will be paid to the awardee(s) electronically after the conference. The Award winner(s) should provide all the information required for ARNOVA to process the payment
- The award recipient is expected to register for the 52nd Annual Conference as condition of acceptance of the award. Exceptions may apply and be considered by the ARNOVA staff case by case
- Award recipient is responsible for booking and paying their accommodations during conference
- The award recipient may be asked to serve on the committee in the following year
Deadline: June 6. 2023
Awardee Notification: July 28, 2023
Public Award Announcement/Public Release: September 1, 2023
Tamaki Onishi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Department of Political Science
MPA/Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management Programs
328 Curry Building, Greensboro, NC 27412