---apologies for cross posting---
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Paper Development Workshop
February 22-23, 2024
Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
The Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (SEJ), in collaboration with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, will offer a paper development workshop (PDW) in Hong Kong on Thursday & Friday, February 22-23, 2024.
The goal of the PDW is to provide junior scholars with developmental feedback on their current research papers in entrepreneurship and innovation and to help them position their manuscripts for possible submission to the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. Early-career researchers, including both Ph.D. students and junior assistant professors, are particularly encouraged to apply. The workshop will be led by Sam Garg (SEJ Associate Editor), Peter Klein (SEJ Co-Editor) and Matthew Mount (SEJ Associate Editor). We will first discuss general information about publishing in SEJ and how to address the key challenges that editors and reviewers see in the review process. We will then match the participants with SEJ editors and senior faculty members at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University to provide authors with developmental feedback aimed at improving their manuscripts.
Prospective participants are invited to submit their research proposals (extended abstracts) to Maggie Ma (rongzma@polyu.edu.hk) with the subject "PolyU SEJ PDW" by January 8, 2024. Each participant may submit only one proposal to the PDW. Please include in a single PDF file (1) a cover letter with all authors' names, e-mails, and affiliations, as well as research question, intended contribution, and the status of the proposal (unpublished and completed manuscript, preliminary findings, etc.); (2) the research proposal (extended abstract only, no more than 5 pages, double-spaced, excluding tables, figures, and references); and (3) the curriculum vitae of the author(s) planning to attend the workshop. Due to a limited number of slots available, applying for the PDW does not guarantee acceptance. Also, acceptance to the PDW does not guarantee acceptance to SEJ. Authors will be notified about the status of their submissions by January 15, 2024. More details about the registration and local arrangements will be provided in the acceptance letter.
The PDW will be part of the International Symposium on Strategic Entrepreneurship at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University to be held on February 22-23, 2024. Both the PDW and the symposium will be free for participants with accepted research proposals. Coffee, pastries, and lunches will be included as part of the registration. Registered participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs. For questions about the event, please contact Maggie Ma (rongzma@polyu.edu.hk).
About the host institution. The Faculty of Business of PolyU, popularly known as PolyU Business School (PBS), is a world-class business school that offers high-quality academic programs and leads cutting-edge research in business and related disciplines. This PDW is organized and funded by the Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Xueyong Zhan
Associate Professor
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom