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REMINDER EGOS 2024 "Necessity Entrepreneurship: Inclusion, Identity, and Ingenuity" (Sub-theme 49) – 3 more weeks to go!

  • 1.  REMINDER EGOS 2024 "Necessity Entrepreneurship: Inclusion, Identity, and Ingenuity" (Sub-theme 49) – 3 more weeks to go!

    Posted 12-18-2023 10:28

    *Apologies for cross-posting*

    PNP Division Members:

    Are you working on topics related to the bourgeoning field of necessity entrepreneurship? 

    Then here's your opportunity to join us in Milan July 4-6 at EGOS 2024!

    Submit your short paper (max. 3,000 words) before 9 January 2024 to be part of a sub-theme that aims to

    (a)   expand our collective understanding of necessity entrepreneurship as a key social and economic process, while recognizing the agentic powers of necessity entrepreneurs,

    (b)   move beyond individualistic accounts of necessity entrepreneurship and theorize it as an emergent property of social systems as well as a source of novel social structures,

    (c)    break new theoretical and methodological ground for the study of necessity entrepreneurship, to prepare for a next generation of necessity entrepreneurship studies.

    The full Call for Short Papers can be accessed here:

    For questions, feel free to reach out to the convenor team:

    Sophie Bacq, IMD Business School, Switzerland

    Katrin Smolka, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, United Kingdom

    Pursey Heugens, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, The Netherlands

    We are looking forward to welcoming likeminded scholars in Milan,

    Sophie, Pursey & Kati